Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Eerie #48, "The Sacrifice": Esteban Maroto

Reposting from the old Tumblr site: From Eerie #48, "The Sacrifice," featuring Dax the Warrior. Story and art by Esteban Maroto (with the English script/adaptation by Len Wein).

Sally Forth #3 Cover: Happy Birthday, Shawn McManus!

Happy birthday to artist Shawn McManus (born June 30, 1958)! From Eros Comix' Sally Forth #3, cover by Shawn McManus.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Heavy Metal Monday: May 1980, "Rock Opera": Rod Kierkegaard Jr.

From Heavy Metal May 1980, "Rock Opera"; story and art by Rod Kierkegaard Jr.

Assorted DC Characters Sketch: Will Meugniot

Reposting from the old Tumblr site: A sketch (circa 1970s, I believe) by Will Meugniot that I found posted online, featuring several DC characters: Batgirl, Batwoman (Kathy Kane), Wonder Woman, Mary Marvel, Supergirl...and I'm not sure who the 6th character is.

Wimmen's Comix #9, "I Was a Broadway B-Girl (For a Day)": Remembering Leslie Sternbergh's Birthday

Today would be the 60th birthday of artist Leslie Sternbergh (born June 29, 1960). From Wimmen's Comix #9, the autobiographical story "I Was a Broadway B-Girl (For a Day)"; story and art by Leslie Sternbergh.

Manhunt #1, "Slum Goddess": Happy Birthday, Bobby London!

Happy birthday to writer/artist Bobby London (born June 29, 1950)! From the underground comic Manhunt #1, "Slum Goddess"; story and art by Bobby London.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Sleeping Beauties #1: Alison Sampson

From this week's new releases: From Sleeping Beauties #1, adapted from the novel by Stephen King & Owen King; script by Rio Youers, art by Alison Sampson.