Monday, November 30, 2020

Heavy Metal Monday: Feb. 1982, "I'm Age": Jeff Jones

 From Heavy Metal Feb. 1982, "I'm Age"; story and art by Jeff Jones.

Invincible #7: Happy Birthday, Robert Kirkman!

 Happy birthday to writer Robert Kirkman (born Nov. 30, 1978)! From Invincible #7; story by Robert Kirkman, art in this sequence by Mark Englert & Erik Larsen.

Penthouse Comix #16, "Young Captain Adventure": Happy Birthday, Keith Giffen!

 Happy birthday to writer/artist Keith Giffen (born Nov. 30, 1952)! While I've already posted all the nude panels I've found that were drawn by Giffen, here's a story that he wrote. From Penthouse Comix #16, "Young Captain Adventure"; story by Keith Giffen, art by Bart Sears.

Gullivera: Remembering Jonathan Swift's Birthday

 Today would be the 353rd birthday of the 17th/18th-century author Jonathan Swift (born Nov. 30, 1667). Inspired by Swift's classic novel "Gulliver's Travels," the erotic graphic novel Gullivera; story and art by Milo Manara.

Because it's a long story with abundant nudity, I'll continue the excerpts in future posts...