Thursday, August 19, 2021

Heavy Metal Jan. 1978, "Ulysses": Remembering Jacques Lob's Birthday

 Today would be the 89th birthday of writer Jacques Lob (born Aug. 19, 1932). From Heavy Metal Jan. 1978, "Ulysses"; story by Jacques Lob, art by Georges Pichard.


  1. I was really impressed by the artwork on this. The goddesses' costumes were fantastic, I wish I could put names to more of them.

    Here is my rendering of Athena:

    1. Glad you're enjoying the blog, and my compliments on that Athena rendering!

      I noticed that your gallery also included some images of "The Woman of Heaven" from Jeronaton's "Champakou"...I've posted some panels from those stories here in the past, if you haven't had the chance to look up those posts yet.

    2. Glad you like it, and yes, I have been finding them. I knew they would be here somewhere. ;)
